The composition of the bronze used for casting bells, appropriately called bell metal, varies from the bronze used for casting statues. Its alloy consists of copper (78%) and tin (22%). These two metals are relatively soft and will deform on striking, but alloying the two elements creates a metal which is harder and less ductile and also one with more elasticity than the use of just one of these metals alone.
This metal combination produces a tough material resistant to the wear of time and to oxidation. Thus the forces holding the two metals together cause vibrations rather than cracks when the bell is struck, which creates a resonant tone.

In Buddhist tradition, a bell can be melted using five different metals (copper, tin, zinc, iron and lead) representing the five wisdoms of Buddha, and sometimes even with seven metals, adding gold and silver.

The person that casts bells is called a bellfounder, the study of bells campanology and the collectors of bells are called campanophiles.

See this article, rather comprehensive, on the making and usage of bells in Wikipedia

There is a bell founder in Under the Bo neighborhood. Thus, if you wish to order a specific size or style of bell, even a very ornate one, do not hesitate to contact us.


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