• Javanese batik selendang ID39. Garut, West of Java, or possibly Pekalongan, on the North coast of Java, Indonesia.  Late 20th century.
  • Javanese batik selendang ID39. Garut, West of Java, or possibly Pekalongan, on the North coast of Java, Indonesia.  Late 20th century.
  • Javanese batik selendang ID39. Garut, West of Java, or possibly Pekalongan, on the North coast of Java, Indonesia.  Late 20th century.
  • Javanese batik selendang ID39. Garut, West of Java, or possibly Pekalongan, on the North coast of Java, Indonesia.  Late 20th century.
  • Javanese batik selendang ID39. Garut, West of Java, or possibly Pekalongan, on the North coast of Java, Indonesia.  Late 20th century.

Javanese batik selendang ID39

Wearing batik selendang (scarves) is a way for Javanese people to express their cultural identity and heritage. Cap (stamp) batik on primissima cotton.
Garut, West of Java, or possibly Pekalongan, on the North coast of Java, Indonesia.
Late 20th century.
200 x 48.5 cm.

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