• Bronze Ram Darbar set 16N8. Karnataka or Tamil Nadu state, Southern India.
  • Bronze Ram Darbar set 16N8. Karnataka or Tamil Nadu state, Southern India.
  • Bronze Ram Darbar set 16N8. Karnataka or Tamil Nadu state, Southern India.
  • Bronze Ram Darbar set 16N8. Karnataka or Tamil Nadu state, Southern India.
  • Bronze Ram Darbar set 16N8. Karnataka or Tamil Nadu state, Southern India.

Bronze Ram Darbar set 16N8

Set of bronze Ram Darbar (Rama holding court), with (from left to right) Lakshmana, Lord Rama with Sita on his lap, Bharata and Shatrughana, these three figures being the younger brothers of Rama.
According to legends, after Rama returned from Lanka having reconquered his consort [see the Ramayana epic], Bharatha took the kingdom of Gandhara and made Takshasila (present day Taxila in Pakistan) his Capital, Lakshmana established Lakshmanapura on the banks of the Ganges, present day Lucknow and Satrughna brought down a forest called Madhu to establish the city of Mathura.
Karnataka or Tamil Nadu state, Southern India.
Circa 18th century.
Rama: 85 mm high.

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