• Balinese face sculpture ID83. Fro the Ambara workshop, Mas village, central region of Bali island, Indonesia.
  • Balinese face sculpture ID83. Fro the Ambara workshop, Mas village, central region of Bali island, Indonesia.
  • Balinese face sculpture ID83. Fro the Ambara workshop, Mas village, central region of Bali island, Indonesia.
  • Balinese face sculpture ID83. Fro the Ambara workshop, Mas village, central region of Bali island, Indonesia.

Balinese face sculpture ID83

Large painted wooden face carved in the style of traditional dance mask known as wayang topeng.
Fro the Ambara workshop, Mas village, central region of Bali island, Indonesia.
Contemporary (purchased about 40 years ago).
39 cm high x 34 cm wide.

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$ 437  

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