Displayed here is a wide range of textiles, bringing out the excellence and the various skills of Asian weavers. All kinds of techniques are used here, from batik to ikat, embroidery and knotting.
You will find some details about the Kohistan jumlo dress on this page of the website of the Washington DC textile museum, that has many other details about Asian textiles.
This page of the website of the National Gallery of Australia will allow you to search Indonesian textiles by region.
Threads of life is devoted to maintain or revitalize the traditional textiles arts of Indonesia.
The new Bible on the subject of Textiles of Indonesia is from the collection of Thomas Murray, an expert in the field.
You will find all you need to know about minorities textiles from China and continental South East Asia on Pamela Cross’ textile forum.
And there are many many other websites devoted to textile arts from Asia…


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