Most statues or sculptures displayed here are related to Hinduism and are representative of the very wide variety of Gods, Goddess and their related avatars that this religion presents. In this section almost all are carved out of wood and a few are made of stone. A few other sculptures come from tribal cultures of the Indian Sub-Continent.

For more information on the rathas (or temple chariots) from which many of our sculptures presented here formerly belong, see these scans from « Living Wood, sculptural traditions of Southern India », by George Michell, Marg publications. There are only a few links on the Internet about these, but Wikipedia has two pages: ratha (the Indian name) and Temple car. Note that the classical Indians have also immortalized these chariots in stone, notably at the Surya temple of Konarak, Orissa state and at the small but delicate Vitali temple of the ruined city of Vijayanagar (Hampi, Karnataka state). Also note that a chariot has been filmed by Louis Malle in 1968 during a temple festival in his documentaries « Phantom India », see this google video (with English subtitles).

Most statues here are supplied with a free base. And as most of them are not practically removable, their shipping price has been included in the price displayed here. However the base of some statues, if shipped along, will highly increase their shipping cost. Therefore it has not been included in the displayed price (see the mention: “Base not included” in the text of the concerned item). If you would like to receive it, please contact us for a shipping quotation. Dimensions do not include this display base.


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