• Table basse FV137. Design François Villaret, Atelier Under the Bo, Thailande.
  • Coffee table FV137. Design François Villaret, Under the Bo workshop, Thailand.
  • Coffee table FV137. Design François Villaret, Under the Bo workshop, Thailand.
  • Coffee table FV137. Design François Villaret, Under the Bo workshop, Thailand.
  • Coffee table FV137. Design François Villaret, Under the Bo workshop, Thailand.
  • Coffee table FV137. Design François Villaret, Under the Bo workshop, Thailand.
  • Coffee table FV137. Design François Villaret, Under the Bo workshop, Thailand.

Table basse FV137

Table basse en chène massif, avec plateau en rotin à damiers de Bornéo.
Design François Villaret, Atelier Under the Bo, Thailande.
155 x 55 x 134 cm.

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