• Ganesh Chola 08LN23. Granite. Période Chola, Inde du sud.
  • Chola Ganesh 08LN23. Statue of God Ganesh. Granite. Chola period, 11-12th centur
  • Chola Ganesh 08LN23. Statue of God Ganesh. Granite. Chola period, 11-12th centur
  • Chola Ganesh 08LN23. Statue of God Ganesh. Granite. Chola period, 11-12th centur
  • Chola Ganesh 08LN23. Statue of God Ganesh. Granite. Chola period, 11-12th centur
  • Chola Ganesh 08LN23. Statue of God Ganesh. Granite. Chola period, 11-12th centur
  • Chola Ganesh 08LN23. Statue of God Ganesh. Granite. Chola period, 11-12th centur

Ganesh Chola 08LN23

Statue du dieu Ganesh.
Période Chola, 11-12ème siècle.
Inde du sud.
72 cm de haut x 34 cm de large.

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