• Coffre antique Kohistan 17F04. Montagnes du Kohistan, Pakistan du nord.
  • Kohistan antique chest 17F04. Mountains of Kohistan, Northern Pakistan.
  • Kohistan antique chest 17F04. Mountains of Kohistan, Northern Pakistan.
  • Kohistan antique chest 17F04. Mountains of Kohistan, Northern Pakistan.
  • Kohistan antique chest 17F04. Mountains of Kohistan, Northern Pakistan.

Coffre antique Kohistan 17F04

Coffre en bois de cèdre sculpté de style rustique.
Montagnes du Kohistan, Pakistan du nord.
19ème siècle.
82 de haut x 84 [+ poignée 11 cm] x 57 cm.

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